Thursday, January 13, 2005

A funny thing happened...

... on the way to Central America. I was supposed to be in Guatemala yesterday, preparing for my cousin Meredith's wedding. Unfortunately, yesterday one half of the country decided to go on strike. I can't find any news reports on this, but the last we heard from people in country was that they had closed the airports, hospitals, and police stations. This obviously put a damper on our plans.

I made it to Miami to meet up with some family members with the intention of getting an evening flight into El Salvador. From there, my uncle was going to drive people down to Guatemala City. After a little thought, however, it became clear that hauling a bunch of American tourists across the border into a largely lawless highland region at night during a national strike probably isn't the wisest game plan. Some people ended up in San Salvador in early afternoon - I don't know if they made it in all right.

So I got to Miami, ate lunch with my parents, then got on a delayed flight back to Newark. I got home around midnight, having completely wasted the day. Oh, also, my immunization shots have kicked in, so I'm now home with a fever. While I'm sure the $250 I spent to gain +4 save vs. tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis A is a good long-term investment, this isn't how I imagined spending my vacation.

My cousin, of course, has a lot more to complain about, but I'm sure in the end they'll pull together a great ceremony and party with the people who made it there. Congrats, you two.

*scurries off to check the gift registry*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awful. :-( Sorry you couldn't get down there. We'll call you later.