Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gaslamp, Steampunk, Dragonsteel

Copyright Shaun O'Boyle 2006
I stumbled across Shaun O'Boyle's collection of Modern Ruins Photography the other day, and it got my, ahem, gears turning. There are some fantastic photos of industrial complexes, shipyards, and decaying facilities there in evocative black and white. The Big Steel and Bethlehem Steel sections are particularly haunting for me, as they perfectly visualize the echoing metallic caverns of Ashworld, from my Technologist short fiction. They are images of stark, mechanical, frequently claustrophobic environments - deep, echoing places where the works of man take on their own twisting jungle-like quality. I think they've shaken loose a few jammed cogs - maybe I should pick up writing those shorts again.


Momma, PhD said...

I like(d) your stories. Granted I read them through the haze of a woman newly in love with author, so I could be biased.

E Mac said...

Biased readers are the best kind.