It was a lot of fun up there. They have running water and a gas supply, but no power. No phone or telephone reception, either. Bears, though. And one country-western station. While the combination of those last two might have negated the negative aspects of both, it was not to be.
We rode ATVs around for a few days, dodging rocks and trees and hanging caterpillars. The Catskills are currently being devoured by three seperate species of moth, at least one of which travels by hanging from the trees at about eye level on silk strands and riding whatever animal comes by. I hate nature.
I also totally kicked my girlfriend's ass at Scrabble. I'm awesome! One day, they will build a statue of me.
Seriously, it is beautiful country up there - an excellent place from which to watch the fall of civilization. Hey, it never hurts to plan ahead.
The next weekend we went to Courtney's class reunion at Yale. It was extremely wet and muddy for most of the time we were there, but I got to see some of the fancier bits of campus and meet many of her friends. She has pictures of that weekend here and some shots of Memorial Day here.
Wait. You were at Yale, and you didn't swing by? It's like 15 minutes from here. Sheesh.
Cabin Time sounds like fun, though.
The weekend schedule was not dictated by me. We were travelling with a group of people.
Okay. I'll forgive you.
This is my first post to your blog Erik, so I will do my best to keep it pleasant. Two bits stood out to me:
1) Your "Flickr-bomb" has pictures of scenery, 4-wheel drive vehicles, a caterpillar, my sister, her boyfriend, and 3 photos of my dog, but not a single shot of me. Curious, no?
2) You mentioned whooping my ass at Scrabble, but failed to mention having your ass whooped the night before. However, even though your facts are in error, I'm confident you will stand by your lazy generalizations
Your photos of us were much better than mine, so I figured I'd just link to yours. You're much better at capturing the... wonder of people.
Er... Pumpkin.
Sugar face.
Courtney is entertaining. She should post more often.
Sweety lumps?
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