Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Say it with Google Image Search

When a forum post starts to go bad:


Anonymous said...

Oh, very nice. Clever, if you will. Bordering on subtle. I'll use this one in the future, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

Why would it be bad for a spool to roll down a hill? It looks like fun. Ah, perhaps there's a danger of it impaling itself on its needle on the way down. If the spool had a spleen, it could puncture it! Zounds!

You're right. This is a very bad thing indeed. Next time I see some yarn teetering at the mouth of the abyss, I will implore it to fight the pull of gravity and live another day.

Fight the Gravity!

E Mac said...

Your feigned density amuses me.

Anonymous said...

Feigned, yes... Har!

E Mac said...

It's a thread, and it's about to go downhill.
