My God, it's True!
Back from Vegas. Pictures will be up sometime tomorrow. But I wanted to talk about something else first.
I have just seen something extraordinary. A vision of universal harmony and order. Something so unlikely that it must be the result of an intelligent creator. In the parlance of my more herbal, euphoric brethren, this video blew my fucking mind.
I took a certain short elective course in college - it's purpose eludes me today - wherein we were each tasked with proving a supernatural belief. Or something. It was fairly early in the morning and there were "auras" involved, so don't count on a comprehensive account. Suffice it to say, I chose to prove the existence of God. What's more, I chose to prove the existence of the divine via the property of mundane items. Namely fruit. How was I to know then that I was on the very cutting edge of theological science?

I could explain to you the logical pathway that allowed me to divine the existence of God from the mere physical dimensions of a certain yellow fruit. However, against all scientific principle and norms of human behavior, I no longer have to. Enter Kirk Cameron and associate:

The relevant bit is at 3:31, but you should watch a bit more. Some awesome stuff about eyes, Darwin, and the divine nature of patriotic soda cans. I was right! I was so damn right! And when Kirk fucking Cameron backs you up, you know you're on the right path. Hallelujah!
That's three irreverent God posts in a row, to be followed shortly by Vegas pics. I may be asking for trouble here...
Kool post.I've been surround by the same numbers my whole life. 31, 13, 53 and a combination of all these. Maybe it's very likely to run into these numbers through daily life and for the skeptics, why did I notice them. Nobody else that I know notices them, but I bet they are surround by them....
Who would have thought that God designed a banana to fit my hand! Life really is swell.
Does this mean that God is really thorough in His/Her designs? Or does it mean that God has entirely too much free time?
Personally, I'll stay skeptical.
I think that more 80's stars need to become evangelists. Just like Bibleman!
Ha! Willie Ames in a muscle suit! Classic!
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