Monday, September 05, 2005


Ran out of relevant Rocketman lyrics.

One of the annoying things about doing a travelling vacation, as in you don't spend more than a day or two in one place, is that you're left with a very long list of stuff to do next time. I only got to a small portion of the things I wanted to see today, so next time I'll have to make room for Golden Gate Park, the Japanese Tea Room, Telegraph Hill and the Presido coastal bluffs.

Also Alcatraz. I really wanted to get to it this time out, but all of today's tours were already booked before the first ferry left. Only got to see it from Fisherman's Wharf. Oh well. I'll have to get my historical penal system fix some other time. Instead I wandered around the waterfront, saw the Aquarium, ate at new and exciting tourist traps, and watched the Sea Lions hork at each other in the marina.


I was surprised to find a very good tour of a WWII submarine, the USS Pampanito. Unlike the Intrepid, the boat has been restored very close to WWII conditions and has an excellent audio tour made with the commentary from the original crew.


After that, it was Sushi for lunch (West Coast Sushi rules!) on Chestnut Street, a siesta while the camera batteries recharged, and then off to the Fine Arts Palace.




The palace is a World's Fair relic they use to host regular civic exhibits. Right now they have the Exploratorium. It's like a more mobile, modular Liberty Science Center with more magnets and biohazard signs.

They had a lot of nest things for kids, too.


Uh... hitting the road tomorrow.

Local Time:

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