Monday, August 29, 2005

Mythological Creatures

It is the third age of Man. From out of the West come strange beasts atop the scions of Saturn and Mercury. Haunting mortals with their bizarre ways, they prey upon the time of the employed and thus cause their feet to ache and heads to spin. They are the Ogre and Jason.

ogre0001_r1 ogre0005_r1

They come bearing intoxicating ethers that bring forth a cavalcade of light and sound, forming visions of epic battles and incessant wasting of time.

Lo, the Ogre did return to regions west atop his mighty Saturn, and Jason has ventured boldly to the land of Phil-on-the-Delphia for a brief rendevous, but their curse of slack shall remain. I swear I have more fiction in the works, including some stuff about iPods. iPods are still cool, right? I'll get right on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mythological? ...LEGENDARY.