Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Da Fourth

Pulled a long commute today - from Boston to Boonton. It took five hours, not counting the exceptionally slow McDonald's server who made my breakfast bagel. Had a great time, but forgot the camera again. I love Boston. I think I may move there.

Recuperating now. In the mean time, here is a bunny who loves his country.


Anonymous said...

Did you amuse yourself during the commute by pretending that local New Englandahs gave you directions?

"Well, fuhst ya gotta find the Mass Tuhnpike and then get off at the Wal-Maht wheah the old Ketchup factory used tah be, wheah Old Man McGraw cut off two of his fingahs in an accident with the tomato cuttah just aftah Wohld Wah Two. And then tuhn right."

Or did you have XM?

Anonymous said...

"Tuhn right at the retahded kid on the kohnuh."

I think you might enjoy Boston. Boston would certainly not mind having you there.

You got a Canadian version of that bunny?

E Mac said...

New Englanders don't actually communicate like that. They have instead evolved a complex vehicular dance pattern, not unlike that of honey bees, to transmit key directional information. Veering into your lane just as you approach a bank of construction barriers, for example, indicates that your life is less precious than shaving 30 seconds off someone's commute and you should go to Hell.

XM? Let's see, in my car I have a map, a CD player and a radio that recieves trasmissions of music and information from far away. What I definitely need is something that does all that and costs money. If it costs money, it must be better, right?

Canadians don't have patriot bunnies. They have patriot moose. Mooses. Meese.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rockin'. Glad you made it home in one piece.