Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Where have I been?

It has been a while since I updated. This is largely because I am lazy, but there were other mitigating factors. Car trouble, doctor appointments, work stress, BBQ, money matters, etc. Oh, and two weeks of failed tech support trying to get my computer up to speed again. It is rapidly degenerating into a paperweight with a cooling fan. Typing at a machine showing the early signs of Alzheimer's is an infuriating process, so while I have started a few good fiction posts, nothing is finished. Artwork is out altogether until the Dell people get off their asses and fix the problem.

So, updates will eventually happen, hopefully soon. How else will you learn the fate of our intrepid Technologist? Or the grand scientific enterprise of fictioneering? Or the dark secret of the Ruxpin? Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Yay for posts from you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Teddy Ruxpin creeped me out then, and quite possibly creeps me out more now.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Back when Ruxpin was analog, you knew that any evil programming would have to be limited by the 90-minute cassette tape. Now, with a digital cartridge, he could come to life at night with all sorts of secret evil plans, perhaps MONTHS of plots, and you wouldn't even know it...

E Mac said...

Shhh. He'll HEAR you.

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, could you play non-Ruxpin tapes on Ruxpin?

Anonymous said...

You could back in the days of analog cassettes. This led to the now-lost art of Replacing the Tape In Your Little Brother's Ruxpin With a Recording of You Saying Many Bad Words. And the greater art of Adding Bodily Function Noises the Second Time. I was just about to become a recognized Master of the Arts when I was grounded.

"The Man" just doesn't understand true art.