Monday, February 28, 2005

Random Ink

I've been pretty lax about drawing lately. You don't keep up with these things they start to atrophy. That's bad. Since the next Mustang Gemini is down for a rewrite, here's an old character sketch I've been working over in Photoshop with my Intuos2 tablet. It is, in a word, rough - but you'd be amazed at what the first few attempts looked like. If I can discipline myself with the pad, maybe I can move beyond this crude tracing bit.

In case you're wondering, she is an "Astronomist" from an aborted webcomic idea. She has the ability to manipulate reality around her by quoting principles and formulae of astrophysics. Inspired by a conversation with Jill, who knows a great deal about that sort of thing.

UPDATE: Midnight. I suck at HTML. Can't get the image to gutter properly on the left. CSS is overiding my HSPACE tag. Argh.

UPDATE: Tuesday. This is why I link to Web Design Group. I now know how to define and use an ID entry in CSS. Yay.

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