Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year

My name is Erik Lindberg. I am a commercial video editor for a direct response ad company. I attended Syracuse University, class of 2000. I enjoy politics, animation, bad science fiction, drawing, terrible fantasy novels, being a curmudgeon, video games, philosophy, eclectic music and the absurd minutiae of pop culture and society.

I like using the word minutiae.

I also like to pick intellectual fights with people I don't know over issues they don't understand or didn't realize they cared about. 2004 was a banner year for this emerging sport. You want to throw down over something you're completely unqualified to discuss in professional tones? I'm there, beyotch.

I have mentally composed several great works of stunning and insightful fiction which I have neglected to actually, you know, write down. I'll get right on that.

This is a general repository for random thoughts, side projects, graphical experiments and creative detritus primarily for my own benefit. Which makes it exactly the same as every other damn blog ever created. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have nothing exciting, nor interesting, nor provocative to say.

But hey, at least I'm the first to not say it!!!
