Crisis on Infinite Me's
I'm a recent inductee into the world of MMOs. My first was Star Wars Galaxies, which occupied my time to an unhealthy degree for a year and a half. Excellent game world, best interface I've seen so far, too little content. Some wonderful people over at my guild, The Consortium, made the experience extremely worthwhile, but now that our city is dying, my time there is almost through.
Outside of beta testing, my next big MMO was City of Heroes, and here I think I found my niche. I log in for an hour and bust up bad guys, explore comic book cities, or take a long session to team up with allies for huge battles against evil. And I get superpowers. What could be better? Plus you can create up to 80 characters at a time on various servers, so it's not like you ever run out of concepts to explore. Just for fun, here are some of my favorite personas:
Most of me is on the Victory or Virtue servers. Raysteel is my main character. If you play, look me up.
The second episode of Mustang Gemini will be up tomorrow.
According to Penny Arcade, Marvel is suing the makers of City of Heroes, calling it a "plagiarism kit" or something like that.
Yeah, it's all over the forums. Marvel is complaining that CoH empowers players with the ability to create images of licensed character, and is doing so intentionally and for direct profit from the trademark. Because giant green men in ripped shorts are otherwise extremely difficult to come up with. They have a point, but I don't see them going after other comic books that rip them off, so it sounds pretty frivolous. Cryptic is actually pretty strict about character clones and deletes them when spotted.
Marc said:
I completely dig I 95. I think we'd my favorite.
Nuts! No "we'd my favorite." Should be "he's my favorite."
Denizen of the Two-Way Mirror Mountain writes:
Nothing about the way is advertised or set up says to me they are trying to cash in on Marvel or any other comic company. All the signature characters are original and don't seem to look like anyone else, all the power sets are rather generic and I believe that in the user agreement they make you agree not to make copyrighted characters. What bothers me is they could just as easily go after anything in genre with a robust enough character creation system. Why not sue people over Mutants and Mastermids because people might buy it with the intention of playing as the X-Men! Oh no! The only thing I will give Marvel is the metal claws power...change the animation because it is DRIPPING with Wolverine (eww), but other than that they have nothing of substance.
-the ogre-
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